
Study the science of human behavior and mental processes integrated with a biblical world view.

What will I learn with a Psychology Degree?

When you complete your degree, you will be able to:

  • Articulate the complementary nature of biblical thought and the study of psychology.
  • Display a broad knowledge of the history and origins of psychological thought and practice.
  • Understand and be competent in basic psychological theory, technique, and practice.
  • Demonstrate the ability to serve in ministry or career roles that emphasize interpersonal relationships and development.
  • Possess the skills and background knowledge required to enter graduate school to pursue further studies in psychology or other fields.

Why should I consider an online program with Barclay College for a Psychology Degree?

One of the biggest advantages of our online psychology program is its flexibility in schedule. Online education means no relocation is necessary.

What will a faith-based college offer me that is unique in this program?

Barclay approaches study from a biblical worldview. Biblical truth serves as the foundation from which we approach all learning in the field, but our program integrates psychological research with our biblical worldview. We value both the Bible and science, which when considered together, gives us better insights into human behavior.

What can I do with a psychology degree?

Barclay’s program in Psychology provides an excellent foundation for entering into social work and/or continuing for your masters in clinical psychology, or a variety of other fields. If you’re interested in pursuing the full range of possibilities for careers in Psychology, you’ll want to pursue graduate studies. A graduate degree opens the possibilities of a career in counseling centers, education, industry, and health agencies, or, at the doctoral level, opportunities ranging from private practice to teaching or research. 

Here are a few opportunities for those with a psychology degree. Some of these opportunities also require a graduate degree.

  • Social work case managers
  • Human resource managers
  • Mental health and substance abuse social workers
  • Medical and clinical laboratory technologists
  • Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists
  • Parole Officers
  • Occupational health and safety specialists
  • Recreational therapists
  • Rehabilitation Counselors
  • Military Careers

Expertise in this area can be applied to a wide variety of other fields, including education, business, information technology, and the law.

What is the career/job outlook?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that employment for psychologists will increase by 14% between 2018 and 2028, roughly double the rate of growth for the rest of the economy. BLS projects that the demand for marriage and family therapists will grow by an impressive 23% during that same span.

What are alums of the program doing?

Expect to be sought after by graduate schools and several employers.

Course Requirements

Bachelor of Science: Psychology

Print Courses Download Courses

General Studies Group

30 hours

OEN101 College Writing


OEN202 Research and Writing


Humanities Electives


Math Elective


Science Elective


OSP202 Fundamentals of Speech


OPY103 General Psychology


Social Science Electives


Biblical & Theological Studies Group

30 hours

Biblical Studies Electives


Theological Studies Electives


OTH221 Teachings of Friends


OTH302 Doctrine of Holiness


Professional Studies Group

30 hours

OMA399 Statistical Research


OPY314 Family Systems


OPY322 Theories of Personality


OPY323 Developmental Psychology


OPY332 Models of Research Design


OPY333 Social Psychology


OPY337 Integration of Psychology and Christianity


OPY341 Abnormal Psychology


OPY344 Tests and Measurements


OPY403 Psychology Senior Forum I


OPY404 Psychology Senior Forum II


Unrestricted Electives

38 hours

Career Outlook

* According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)


Projected employment increase for psychologist*
Between 2020 and 2030


Higher demand for marriage and family therapists*
Between 2020 and 2030

How to Apply

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Campus: We'll usually have a decision within 48 hours after your interview.

Online: A decision will usually be made within 48 hours.

Barclay taught me so much about the Bible and psychology. I feel more equipped to understand where my foster parents and clients are coming from and why they repeat negative behaviors.”

Jennifer Berg

2020, Psychology Online
Parent Aid, Foster Care System, Chino Valley AZ

Have questions about Psychology?

Shelby Williams

Chair of Psychology

M.S. Friends University
B.S. Barclay College