The Institute of Biblical Translation seeks to develop partnerships based on the ability to collaborate in work together, support the collaborative mission and vision of each side of partnership, and maintain activity over a sustained period of time. The partnerships represented here are an expression of those values and desires along with shared projects.
Our Daily Bread
The Institute of Biblical Translation partners with Our Daily Bread on a number of projects that include a course for African Leadership in the contextualization and creation of materials, literacy projects, and overall platform sharing. This dynamic relationship allows the partners to stick to their strengths of academics and discipleship so that we may offer deeper educational paths to ministries.
Wycliffe Associates
This organization directly partners in the support of Bible translation in cooperation with Barclay College, which has launched a degree program for graduate students that has begun to transfer around the globe to sister institutions. As this occurs, it is the local institutions that will initiate new Bible translation projects transforming people groups without scripture.
Nigerian Seminaries
This is a partnership of nine seminary institutions between two denominations, which not only share a common expression of our MABT degree, but further support one another in the relationship of facilitation of Bible translation, projects, and research. The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, in July of 2021, has formally opened a sister institution within the seminary to support the activities of Biblical Translation.
UniEvangelica, Anapolis, Brazil
This institution looks to further engage in the mission of Bible translation beyond their already developed relationships in sign-language translation. They share research between universities across three continents and work with Our Daily Bread to explore the possibilities of literacy programs and to find ways for collaborative student relationships.
Creating a cohort in Uganda has initiated a relationship with Africa Renewal University to duplicate the MABT program of Barclay in the local university to serve Uganda. This partnership also includes Amaziba Ministries, a church planting and discipling organization within Uganda.
We are coordinating with St. Petersburg Christian University, which is launching a localized Bible translation program to reach out to several other seminaries in Russia. This partnership will duplicate the MABT program of Barclay, bringing a partnership of shared degree programs, while initiating starts for scripture in languages that do not currently have a Bible.
Africa Inland Church Tanzania
This is a denomination inside (but not limited to) Tanzania that is engaging in leadership training and light level translation of materials in partnership with Our Daily Bread. We plan for this to develop to an eventual partnership in affiliated seminaries.
Anglican Church Tanzania
This is a denomination inside (but not limited to) Tanzania that is engaging in leadership training and light level translation of materials in partnership with Our Daily Bread. We plan for this to develop to an eventual partnership in affiliated seminaries. This partnership also includes Amaziba Ministries a church planting and discipling organization within Uganda.
Wycliffe Ethiopia
This Bible translation organization partners with Barclay and Our Daily Bread in the development and translation of scripture and scriptural resources.